Refreshing, upgrading
We will carefully clean the furniture and repair major defects (bruises, cracks, etc.). Then we will impregnate the piece with polishes, oil or wax. The objects liven up yet continue to bear the marks of the time.
Partial renovation
We will renovate the parts of the furniture that require it. The piece lights up overall and it is functional once again.
Complete renovation
We will bring the item back into the same condition as new.
We also renovate old gates, doors and windows.
If you are interested in renovating your furniture, please send us a photo of the object you want to restore. Based on the photos and information sent, we will calculate the approximate price for the repair, which depends on the number of hours spent on restoring each single piece and the renovation technique.

Daniel Tůma – 739 036 924
Workshop – the building of the former Pragovka
Kolbenova 923 / 34a, Prague 9, Vysočany